Basic information
Name |
Oba naoko |
Belonging department |
スポーツ科学部 スポーツ科学科 |
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特任講師 |
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Researcher Basic Information
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Researcher Activity Information
- 産学連携による地元住民向け健康づくり教室の取り組みと評価-第2報-. 沢井史穂,大庭尚子 共著 日本女子体育大学附属基礎体力研究所紀要 Journal of Exercise Scicence. 2018/03
- Relationship between cerebral arterial inflow and venous outflow during dynamic supine exercise./Kohei Sato, Naoko Oba, Takuro Washio, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Anna Oue, Aki Otsuki, Tomoko Sadamoto, Shigehiko Ogoh/Joint Author/Physiological Reports/2017/06
- Regulation of cerebral venous outflow during supine exercise Kohei Sato, Naoko Oba, Takuro Washio, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Aki Otsuki, Tomoko Sadamoto, Shigehiko Ogoh 共著 日本女子体育大学附属基礎体力研究所紀要 Journal of Exercise Scicence 2016/03
- Effect of resistance training using bodyweight in the elderly: Comparison of resistance exercise movement between slow and normal speed movement/Yuya Watanabe, Michiya Tanimoto, Naoko Oba, Kiyoshi Sanada, Motohiko Miyachi, Naokata Ishii/Joint Author/Geriatrics & Gerontology International/2015/12
- Difference in Postural Control during Quiet Standing between Young Children and Adults: Assessment with Center of Mass Acceleration. Naoko Oba, Shun Sasagawa, Akio Yamamoto, Kimitaka Nakazawa 共著 PLoS One 2015/10
- クラシックバレエダンサーの母趾外反を誘発する動作の検討 佐藤菜穂子, 大庭尚子, 関 巴瑠花, 三浦哲都 日本バイオメカニクス学会第30回大会 2024/12/01 日本バイオメカニクス学会
- Effect of toe separator on pressure distribution in pointe shoe during single-legged toe hopping/Naoko Oba, Akito Miura, Masahiro Okano, Haruka Seki, Nahoko Sato/14th Annual Conference of Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare/2023/11/25/Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare
- 片脚つま先立ちにおけるトゥシューズ内圧力分布の計測方法の検討 大庭尚子, 佐藤菜穂子, 関巴瑠花, 三浦哲都 第13回日本ダンス医科学研究会学術大会 2023/03/19 日本ダンス医科学研究会
- Perceptual effects of tensegrity on classical ballet techniques/Akito Miura, Haruka Seki, Takahide Etani, Naoko Oba, Nahoko Sato, Kazutoshi Kudo/the 31st Annual Conference of International Association for Dance Medicine & Science/2021/10/21/International Association for Dance Medicine & Science
- 性差および月経周期が脳血管拡張機能に及ぼす影響 佐藤耕平, 大庭尚子, 手島貴範, 森山真由美, 夏井裕明, 定本朋子 第73回日本体力医学会大会 2018/09/09 日本体力医学会大会
Competitive research funds |
Field of Research(for researchmap) |
Educational research achievement information: matters concerning educational ability
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Special Instructions About Experienced Worker |
Education research achievement book information (full-time teacher in charge of course subjects): Matters related to job performance
Practical experience at school sites |
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker |
Education research achievement book information: Research achievement on the subject in charge