Basic information
Name |
Koyama Katsuhiro |
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スポーツ科学部 スポーツ科学科 |
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教授 |
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Researcher Basic Information
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Researcher Activity Information
- Effect of eight sessions of hypoxic exercise on interstitial glucose levels in women with prediabetes : A randomized controlled trial/Tetsuya Yabe,Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Yamanashi Gakuin University Research in Sport Science/2024/03
- /Masataka Kiuchi, Tadashi Uno, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Katsuhiro Koyama, Masahiro Horiuchi/Joint Author/Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience /2024/02
- Five Days of Tart Cherry Supplementation Improves Exercise Performance in Normobaric Hypoxia/Masahiro Horiuchi, Yoshiyuki Fukuoka, Katsuhiro Koyama, Samuel J. Oliver/Joint Author/Nutrients/2023/01
- Hypoxic-induced resting ventilatory and circulatory responses under multistep hypoxia is related to decline in peak aerobic capacity in hypoxia/Masahiro Horiuchi, Shohei Dobashi, Masataka Kiuchi, Yoshiyuki Fukuoka, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Journal of Physiological Anthropology/2022/10
- Effects of carbohydrate-electrolyte dissolved alkaline electrolyzed water on physiological responses during exercise under heat stress in physically active men/Shohei Dobashi, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Yoshinori Tanaka, Yudai Shibayama, Katsuhiro Koyama/2022/09
- Comparisons Between Normobaric Normoxic and Hypoxic Recovery on Post-exercise Hemodynamics After Sprint Interval Cycling in Hypoxia/Masahiro Horiuchi, Ayano Nishida, Shohei Dobashi, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/2022/03
- Mastering Ukemi is Essential in Preventing Severe Head Trauma/Murayama Haruo, Hitosugi Masahito, Motozawa Yasuki, Ogino Masahiro, Koyama Katsuhiro/Joint Author/
The Arts and Sciences of Judo /2021/12
Impact of acute resistance exercise on circulating secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) levels in healthy young males: A pilot study. /Shohei Dobashi, Masato Hashimoto, Katsuhiro Koyama, Daisuke Ando/Joint Author/Science & Sports/2021/12
- Exogenous parathyroid hormone attenuates ovariectomy-induced skeletal muscle weakness in vivo /Taro Fujimaki, Takashi Ando, Takanori Hata, Yoshihiro Takayama, Tetsuro Ohba, Jiro Ichikawa, Yoshihisa Takiyama, Rikito Tatsuno, Katsuhiro Koyama, Hirotaka Haro/2021/10
- The effects of ingestion of hydrogen-dissolved alkaline electrolyzed water on stool consistency and gut microbiota: A double-blind randomized trial /Yoshinori Tanaka, Masataka Kiuchi, Yasuki Higashimura, Yuji Naito, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Medical Gas Research/2021/10
- Alternating work posture improves postprandial glucose response without reducing computer task performance in the early afternoon /Shohei Dobashi, Saito Kawaguchi, Daisuke Ando, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Physiology & Behavior/2021/08
- Cardiorespiratory Response and Power Output During Submaximal Exercise in Normobaric Versus Hypobaric Hypoxia/Toshihiro Takezawa, Shohei Dobashi, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/High Altitude Medicine & Biology/2021/06
- Biomechanical Analysis of Serious Neck Injuries Resulting from Judo./Tomoyuki NAKANISHI, Masahito HITOSUGI, Haruo MURAYAMA, Arisa TAKEDA, Yasuki MOTOZAWA, Masahiro OGINO, Katsuhiro KOYAMA/Healthcare/2021/02
- Impact of hydrogen-rich gas mixture inhalation through nasal cannula during post-exercise recovery period on subsequent oxidative stress, muscle damage, and /Yudai Shibayama, Shohei Dobashi, Takaaki Arisawa, Tamotsu Fukuoka, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Medical Gas Research/2020/12
- Ukemi Technique Prevents the Elevation of Head Acceleration of a Person Thrown by the Judo Technique ‘Osoto-gari’ /Haruo MURAYAMA, Masahito HITOSUGI, Yasuki MOTOZAWA, Masahiro OGINO, Katsuhiro KOYAMA/Joint Author/Neurologia medico-chirurgica/2020/06
- Hydrogen-rich water suppresses the reduction in blood total antioxidant capacity induced by 3 consecutive days of severe exercise in physically active males /Shohei Dobashi, Kaito Takeuchi, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Medical Gas Research/2020/03
- Biomechanical Analysis of the Head Movements of a Person Thrown by the Judo Technique ‘Seoi-nage’ /Haruo MURAYAMA, Masahito HITOSUGI, Yasuki MOTOZAWA, Masahiro OGINO, Katsuhiro KOYAMA/Neurologia medico-chirurgica/2020/03
- Acute swimming exercise, but not exposure to moderate hypoxic condition reduces circulating selenoprotein P level in brief-term, high-fat diet-fed rats. /Shohei Dobashi, Arisa Nakamura, Kyohei Saito, Daisuke Ando, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/J Phys. Fitness and Sports Med/2019/07
- Impact of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation on Executive Function During Hypoxic Exercise
/Shohei Dobashi, Katsuhiro Koyama, Junko Endo, Masataka Kiuchi, Masahiro Horiuchi/Joint Author/High Altitude Medicine & Biology/2019/06
- 作業姿勢の相違がコンピューターによる計算課題の成績に及ぼす影響 –近赤外線分光法を用いた検討- 土橋祥平, 小山康文, 安藤大輔, 小山勝弘 体力科学 2019/04
- Impact of resistance exercise under hypoxia on postexercise hemodynamics in healthy young males/Horiuchi M, Ni-i-nou A, Miyazaki M, Ando D, Koyama K/Joint Author/International Journal of Hypertension/2018/07
- Caloric restriction suppresses exercise-induced hippocampal BDNF expression in young male rats/Shohei Dobashi, Chinatsu Aiba, Daisuke Ando, Masataka Kiuchi, Mitsuya Yamakita, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/J Phys Fitness Sports Med/2018/07
- Muscle oxygenation profiles between active and inactive muscles with nitrate supplementation under hypoxic exercise./Masahiro Horiuchi, Junko Endo, Shohei Dobashi, Yoko Handa, Masataka Kiuchi, Katsuhiro Koyama/Physiological reports/2017/11
- Effect of progressive normobaric hypoxia on dynamic cerebral autoregulation/Masahiro Horiuchi, Junko Endo, Shohei Dobashi, Masataka Kiuchi, Katsuhiro Koyama, Andrew W Subudhi/Experimental Physiology/2016/10
- Cognitive Function and Cerebral Oxygenation During Prolonged Exercise Under Hypoxia in Healthy Young Males/Shohei Dobashi, Masahiro Horiuchi, Junko Endo, Masataka Kiuchi, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/HIGH ALTITUDE MEDICINE & BIOLOGY/2016/09
- Reference range of blood biomarkers for oxidative stress in thoroughbred racehorses (2-5 years old)/Kanichi Kusano, Masahiko Yamazaki, Masataka Kiuchi, Kouki Kaneko, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Journal of Equine Science/2016/09
- Reduction in Cerebral Oxygenation After Prolonged Exercise in Hypoxia is Related to Changes in Blood Pressure/Masahiro Horiuchi, Shohei Dobashi, Masataka Kiuchi, Junko Endo, Katsuhiro Koyama, Andrew W. Subudhi/Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology/2016/02
- Intravenous infusion of H2-saline suppresses oxidative stress and elevates antioxidant potential in Thoroughbred horses after racing exercise/Masahiko Yamazaki, Kanichi Kusano, Toru Ishibashi, Masataka Kiuchi, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Scientific Reports/2015/12
- 肌状態に及ぼす運動トレーニングの影響 杉山将太, 土橋祥平, 木内政孝, 安藤大輔, 山北満哉, 小山勝弘 共著 アンチエイジング医学 2015/06
- Biomechanical analysis of acute subdural hematoma resulting from judo/Masahito Hitosugi, Haruo Murayama, Yasuki Motozawa, Kanto Ishii, Masahiro Ogino, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH/2014/10
- High-Intensity Exercise Causes Greater Irisin Response Compared with Low-Intensity Exercise under Similar Energy Consumption/Yoshifumi Tsuchiya, Daisuke Ando, Kazushige Goto, Masataka Kiuchi, Mitsuya Yamakita, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE/2014/06
- Rotational Acceleration during Head Impact Resulting from Different Judo Throwing Techniques/Haruo Murayama, Masahito Hitosugi, Yasuki Motozawa, Masahiro Ogino, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA/2014/05
- Exercise-induced oxidative stress: a tool for “hormesis” and “adaptive response”/Katsuhiro Koyama/Sole Author/J Phys Fitness Sports Med/2014/03
- Simple Strategy to Prevent Severe Head Trauma in Judo -Biomechanical Analysis-/Haruo Murayama, Masahito Hitosugi, Yasuki Motozawa, Masahiro Ogino, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA/2013/09
- わが国の肥満傾向児と痩身傾向児の出現率に対する年齢ー時代ーコホート効果(1977-2006年)と2007-2016年の出現率の推計 小田切陽一, 内田博之, 小山勝弘 共著 日本公衆衛生学雑誌 2013/06
- 柔道と頭部外傷 小山勝弘, 一杉正仁, 村山晴夫, 本澤養樹 共著 日本医事新報 2012/09
- 高強度運動時における抗酸化物質投与が海馬脳由来神経栄養因子(BDNF)発現に及ぼす影響 饗場千夏, 韓宝宝, 木内政孝, 安藤大輔, 山北満哉, 小山勝弘 共著 体力科学
- Effect of educational intervention using the Internet on quantitative ultrasound parameters in prevention of osteoporosis: a randomized controlled trial in young Japanese women/Kazumi Asakawa, Katsuhiro Koyama, Zentaro Yamagata/Joint Author/International Journal of Women's Health/2011/12
- Effect of Molecular Hydrogen Saturated Alkaline Electrolyzed Water on Disuse Muscle Atrophy in Gastrocnemius Muscle/Ryo Fujita, Yoshinori Tanaka, Yasuhiro Saihara, Mitsuya Yamakita, Daisuke Ando, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY/2011/09
- 急性低酸素曝露に対する生体応答-Heme oxygenase-1 mRNA発現レベルと血中ビリルビン濃度の変化による検討- 矢部哲也, 遠藤健太, 藤田諒, 安藤大輔, 小山勝弘 共著 体力科学 2010/02
- 柔道における持久力および筋力トレーニングとしての打込の効果:運動生理・生化学的観点からの検討 増地克之, 町田正直, 松井崇, 薬師寺巨久, 金野潤, 小山勝弘, 岡田弘隆, 金丸雄介, 小俣幸嗣, 武政徹 共著 武道学研究 2009/12
- Effects of glutathione depletion on hypoxia-induced erythropoietin production in rats/Daisuke Ando, Mitsuya Yamakita, Zentaro Yamagata, Katsuhiro Koyama/Joint Author/Journal of Physiological Anthropology/2009/09
- Oxidative Stress Stimulates Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake Through A Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-dependent Pathway/Yasuki Higaki, Toshio Mikami, Nobuharu Fujii, Michael F Hirshman, Katsuhiro Koyama, Tetsuya Seino, Keitaro Tanaka, Laurie J Goodyear/Joint Author/American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology & Metabolism/2008/03
- 急性運動負荷に伴う尿中酸化ストレスマーカーの変動に対する水素溶解アルカリイオン水の飲用効果 小山勝弘, 田中喜典, 才原康弘, 安藤大輔, 後藤芳則, 片山愛里 共著 日本抗加齢医学会雑誌 2008/02
- 女子大学生における2年間の骨量変化に対する体格・生活習慣因子の影響 横内樹里, 安藤大輔, 小野悠介, 尾崎芳雅, 小山勝弘 共著 体力科学 2006/06
- Comparison of body mass, food intake and plasma constituents in lean and obese Zucker rats under cold acclimation and deacclimation/Seiki Hori, Kazuko Hori, Mitsuharu Kaya, Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Hidenori Otani, Junzo Tsujita, Yoshitaka Oku/Joint Author/Journal of Thermal Biology/2006/01
- Memory of long-term cold acclimation in deacclimated Wistar rats/Kazuko Hori, Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Hidenori Otani, Naoyuki Kanoh, Tohru Tsujimura, Nobuyuki Terada, Seiki Hori/Joint Author/Journal of Thermal Biology/2006/01
- Decreased energy expenditure during prolonged sub-maximal exercise in a warm environment/Yoichiro Yamashita, Mitsuharu Kaya, Katsuhiro Koyama, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori/Joint Author/European Journal of Sport Science/2005/12
- Plasma leptin levels of elite endurance runners after heavy endurance training/Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Junzo Tsujita, Nobuo Tanaka, Seiki Hori, Yoshitaka Oku/Joint Author/Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science/2005/11
- Plasma leptin levels of elite endurance runners after heavy endurance training/Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Junzo Tsujita, Nobuo Tanaka, Seiki Hori, Yoshitaka Oku/Joint Author/Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science/2005/11
- The comparison between cool and warm-hot environments on lipolytic response during prolonged exercise/Yoichiro Yamashita, Katsuhiro Koyama, Mitsuharu Kaya, Toru Ishigaki, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori, Yoshitaka Oku/Joint Author/Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science/2005/09
- The influence of VDR genotype and exercise on ultrasound parameters in young adult Japanese women/Fumihiro Omasu, Jun Kitagawa, Katsuhiro Koyama, Kazumi Asakawa, Juri Yokouchi, Daisuke Ando, Yoshibumi Nakahara/Joint Author/Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science/2004/03
- 柔道選手において6RMベンチプレス・トレーニングを実施した場合の最大筋力推定法についての検討 清野 哲也, 小山 勝弘, 曽我部 晋哉, 小澤 雄二, 春日井 淳夫 共著 武道学研究 2003/11
- 女子大学生の踵骨超音波計測値と体格の関係 共著 体力科学 2003/10
- The relation of calcaneal ultrasound bone parameter to physical activity in Japanese adult Females/Fumihiro Omasu, Jun Kitagawa, Katsuhiro Koyama, Miki Tanaka, Kazumi Asakawa, Yoshibumi Nakahara/Osteoporosis Japan/2002/02
- 保健体育教師における高尿酸血症および痛風の実態に関する研究 清野哲也, 小山勝弘, 檜垣靖樹, 春日井淳夫, 小笠原正志 共著 教育医学 2001/12
- Zucker obese rats are sensitive to weight-reducing effect and insensitive to orexigenic effect by cold exposure/Seiki Hori, Kazuko Hori, Toru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Mitsuharu Kaya, Hitomi Takeda, Junzo Tsujita/Joint Author/JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY/2001/09
- Adaptive changes in brown adipose tissue in Wistar rats, Zucker lean and obese rats/Kazuko Hori, Tohru Ishigaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Mitsuharu Kaya, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori/Joint Author/Journal of Thermal Biology/2001/09
- 骨格筋中のプリン代謝調節における5'-nucleotidaseおよびAMP deaminaseの役割 清野哲也, 小山勝弘, 小笠原正志, 檜垣靖樹 共著 教育医学 2001/07
- Adaptive Changes in the Thermogenesis of Rats by Cold Acclimation and Deacclimation./Kazuo HORI, Tohru ISHIGAKI, Katsuhiro KOYAMA, Mitsuharu KAYA, Junzo TSUJITA, Seiki HORI/Joint Author/The Japanese Journal of Physiology/1999/12
- 低圧・低酸素環境下での間欠的全力運動トレーニングが柔道選手の有酸素的および無酸素的パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響 岡田 弘隆, 春日井 淳夫, 小山 勝弘, 射手矢 岬, 佐藤 伸一郎, 竹内 善徳 共著 武道学研究 1999/09
- Role of xanthine oxidase in delayed lipid peroxidation in rat liver induced by acute exhausting exercise/Katsuhiro Koyama, Mitsuharu Kaya, Tohru Ishigaki, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori, Tetsuya Seino, Atsuo Kasugai/Joint Author/European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology/1999/05
- Continuous production of hypoxanthine in slow-twitch muscles contributes to exercise-induced prolonged hyperuricemia/Tetsuya Seino, Yasuki Higaki, Katsuhiro Koyama, Masashi Ogasawara, Akira Ito/Joint Author/1998/12
- 運動時の骨格筋における水分量の変化がプリン代謝物質濃度に及ぼす影響 清野 哲也, 小山 勝弘, 檜垣 靖樹 共著 教育医学 1998/06
- 柔道選手において6RMハイクリーン・トレーニングを実施した場合の最大筋力推定法についての検討 清野 哲也, 春日井 淳夫, 小山 勝弘 共著 教育医学 1998/06
- Effects of decreased plasma glutamine concentrations on peripheral lymphocyte proliferation in rats./Katsuhiro Koyama;Mitsuharu Kaya;Junzo Tsujita;Seiki Hori/Joint Author/European Journal of Applied Physiology/1997/12
- The function of the purine nucleotide cycle in severe contraction of skeletal muscle/Katsuhiro Koyama, Mitsuharu Kaya, Junzo Tsujita, Seiki Hori, Akira Ito/Joint Author/Acta Medica Hyogoensia/1996/08
- 運動生理学 : 生理学の基礎から疾病予防まで(第2版)
- 生活健康科学 小田切, 陽一, 小山, 勝弘, 東, 賢一, 城戸口, 親史, 山北, 満哉, 望月, 宗一郎 共著 三共出版 2022/04 9784782708118
- パワーズ運動生理学 : 体力と競技力向上のための理論と応用 小山勝弘 共訳 メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル 2020/08 9784815701901
- 「ゆるスクワット」で100歳まで歩く! PHP研究所 2020/02
- 一生歩ける足腰をつくるゆるスクワットとかかと落とし 主婦の友社 2020/02
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