Basic information
Name |
Kojima Akane |
Belonging department |
健康栄養学部 管理栄養学科 |
Occupation name |
准教授 |
researchmap researcher code |
researchmap agency |
Researcher Basic Information
Academic Society and Social Activity |
Researcher Activity Information
Association between constipation and insufficient dietary intake to achieve satiety in preschool age/Nutrition and Health [Online ahead of print]. Feb 16, 2025/A Kojima, Y Takeda, K Wada, S Kobayashi, H Yoshino, Ta Natori, M Kato/Nutrition and Health [Online ahead of print] /2025/02
Association between the Combination of Speed-Eating and Eating until Full and Overweight/Obesity in Part-Time High School Students. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2024;80(3):128-135./Akane Kojima, Yoshiko Kameyama, Akane Kajiura, Yuuki Murayama, Masahiko Kato/2024/04
Association between Dairy Product intake and Risk of Osteoporotic Fractures in Postmenopausal Japanese Women. J Nutr Heatlth Aging. 2023;27(3):228-237./A Kojima, K Kamiya, E Kajita, T Tachiki, Y Sato, K Kouda, K Uenishi, J Tamaki, S Kagamimori, M Iki/2023/03
Natto Intake is Inversely Associated with Osteoporotic Fracture Risk in Postmenopausal Japanese Women. The Journal of Nutrition 2020;150(3):599-605./Akane Kojima, Satoyo Ikehara, Kuniyasu Kamiya, Etsuko Kajita, Yuho Sato, Katsuyasu Kouda, Junko Tamaki, Sadanobu Kagamimori, Masayuki Iki/2020/03
Rome III による診断と母親の申告による幼稚園児の慢性便秘の有病率の信頼性に関する検討. 日本栄養・食料学会誌 2024;77(2):94-94. 竹田 有里, 兒島 茜, 和田 佳苗, 小林 沙綾, 吉野 美香, 名取 貴光, 加藤 昌彦 2024/05
血清25水酸化ビタミンD値と牛乳摂取習慣の骨折発生への複合影響 Japanese Population-based Osteoporosis(JPOS)研究の15年追跡. 日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 2020;6(1):243-243. 兒島 茜, 神谷 訓康, 立木 隆広, 佐藤 裕保, 甲田 勝康, 梶田 悦子, 玉置 淳子, 鏡森 定信, 伊木 雅之 2020/09
牛乳の摂取頻度と骨粗鬆症性骨折発生リスクの関連 JPOSコホート研究による縦断的検討. 日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 2019;5(1):312-312. 兒島 茜, 神谷 訓康, 梶田 悦子, 佐藤 裕保, 甲田 勝康, 玉置 淳子, 鏡森 定信 , 伊木 雅之 2019/09
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Education research achievement book information (full-time teacher in charge of course subjects): Matters related to job performance
Practical experience at school sites |
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker |
Education research achievement book information: Research achievement on the subject in charge