Basic information
Name |
ENDO Toshirou |
Belonging department |
スポーツ科学部 スポーツ科学科 |
Occupation name |
教授 |
researchmap researcher code |
researchmap agency |
Researcher Basic Information
Academic Society and Social Activity |
Researcher Activity Information
- 高校運動部における体罰及び不適切指導が精神的回復力に及ぼす影響 豐田隼・山田智之・飯塚駿・遠藤俊郎 共著 上越教育大学研究紀要 2021/03
- 学校運動部活動における指導者の体罰に関する一考察:被体罰経験の実態と体罰に対する意識に着目して 豐田隼・飯塚駿・三澤孝康・遠藤俊郎 共著 山梨学院大学スポーツ科学研究 2021/03
Fact-finding about the impact to the campground in Yamanashi of two major mega sporting events
/Shibata Hiroki Iizuka Shun Kasano Hidehiro Koyama Sanae Yabe Tetsuya Kajihara Hiroyuki Brice Lefevre Olivier Nier Endo Toshiro/Joint Author/Yamanashi Gakuin University Research In Sport Science/2022/03
International joint research projects between Yamanashi Gakuin University and Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University /Yabe Tetsuya Kajihara Hiroyuki Koyama Sanae Kasano Hidehiro Iizuka Shun Shibata Hiroki Endo Toshiro/Joint Author/Yamanashi Gakuin University Research In Sport Science/2022/03
- Psychological violence victimization with moral injury in sports exacerbates PTSD symptoms./Toyoda, T., Ishikawa, K., Omi, Y., Kado, T., Iizuka, S., and Endo, T./Joint Author/ Sports Psychiatry/2022/10
- Study of Factors Explaining Pro Corporal Punishment Attitudes in School Athletic Clubs/Hayato Toyoda , Tomoyuki Yamada , Takashi Kado , Shun Iizuka , Kouichi Momose and Toshiro Endo/Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology/2023/01
- Psychological Violence Victimization with Moral Injury in Sports Exacerbates PTSD Symptoms/Toyoda, H., Ishikawa, K., Omi, Y., Kado, T., Iizuka, S., & Endo, T/Joint Author/Sports Psychiatry/2023/01
Characteristics of Jump Sets in College Volleyball Players ~Focus on temporal timing~ /Kado Takashi Iizuka Shun Toyoda Hayato Endo Toshiro/Joint Author/Yamanashi Gakuin University Research IN Sport Science/2023/03
International joint research projects 2021-2022 between Yamanashi Gakuin University and Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University /Yabe Tetsuya Kajihara Hiroyuki Koyama Sanae Kasano Hidehiro Iizuka Shun Shibata Hiroki Endo Toshiro/Joint Author/Yamanashi Gakuin University Research In Sport Science/2023/03
Competitive research funds |
Field of Research(for researchmap) |
Educational research achievement information: matters concerning educational ability
Example of Education Method |
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker |
Education research achievement book information (full-time teacher in charge of course subjects): Matters related to job performance
Practical experience at school sites |
Special Instructions About Experienced Worker |
Education research achievement book information: Research achievement on the subject in charge